In Appreciation to Sponsors


Leftwich Event Specialists
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK)
Terrie Masuda


Miyoko & Takeo Yuki Families


Larry & Vickie Yamaoka


BCA Ichijukai
Enmanji Buddhist Temple & BWA
Gardenland – Ray & Lucy Matsumoto
Dr. Kris Hanamoto, DDS

Joyce Iwasaki
Janice & Steven Doi
Union Bank

Convention Partners

Berkeley Buddhist Temple & BWA
San Louis Obispo Buddhist Church
Marie Ochi-Jacobs

Buddhist Temple of San Diego BWA
Buddhist Church of San Francisco BWA
BCA Southern District BWA
Buddhist Church of Stockton BWA
Fusako Takahashi
Cherry Tsutsumida
West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple
Junko Yamano


Buddhist Church of Florin BWA
Keiko & Ralph Furusho
Kemi Nakabayashi
Tom & Greer Nishikawa
Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
Palo Alto Buddhist Temple BWA
San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin BWA
Sumi Tanabe


Sponsorship Opportunities

Major sponsors will have the attention of over 2,000 Convention attendees, multiplied exponentially as a majority are representatives from their local temple organizations and communities.

Most importantly, sponsor support is critical to presenting a memorable Convention experience for a historic gathering.

Donate via Paypal

Please see the downloadable Sponsorship forms for details.

Download Sponsorship Details

Thank you for your support!

2019 WBWC Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Magnolia $15,000
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (full page ad)
    • Logo listed on the Convention website
    • Three complimentary Full Convention Registrations
    • Copy of program and post program booklet
  • Wisteria $10,000
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (half page ad)
    • Logo listed on the Convention website
    • Two complimentary Full Convention Registrations
    • Copy of program and post program booklet
  • Lotus $7,500
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (quarter page ad)
    • Logo listed on the Convention website
    • One complimentary Full Convention Registrations
    • Copy of program and post program booklet
  • Paulownia $5,000
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (quarter page ad)
    • Logo listed on the Convention website
    • One complimentary Banquet Dinner
    • Copy of program and post program booklet
  • Bodhi $2,500
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (business card ad)
    • Logo listed on the Convention website
    • Copy of program and post program booklet
  • Cocktail Reception Sponsor (Friday night) $2,500
    • Signage at reception area
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (business card ad)
    • Company logo displayed on all beverage napkins (Company provides napkins)
  • Workshop Sponsor (Up to 21 workshop sponsors) $2,000
    • Company logo/signage at the workshop
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program (business card ad)
  • Pen Sponsor (Exclusive) $1,000
    • Each attendee will take notes during the convention using your pens (Company to provide pens)
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program
  • Convention Partner $500 to $1,000
    • Recognition in relevant pre-convention marketing and the convention program
  • Program Advertisement Opportunities $250 to $2,500
    • Place your Corporate and Personal messages, printed in the convention program (sizes range from business card, quarter page, half page to full page)