The WBWC Program Committee has been working hard to present a diverse variety of workshops on the theme “Live the Nembutsu”. We are confident that everyone will find workshops that appeal to their interests. Workshop offerings are subject to change.
Friday Evening (8/30/19): Open Workshops
On Friday, August 30, 2019 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm there will be open workshops.
No pre-selection is necessary. Seating will be first come first served.
● Conversations: Responding to Shinran’s Wasan through Poetry
Following the tradition of linked verse, we will engage Shinran’s wasan and compose poetic responses. Workshop will include group discussion, individual and collaborative writing—encouraging, non-threatening and creative—no literary experience required.
Jerry Bolick, Minister’s Assistant, Buddhist Church of San Francisco
Presented in English
● Exile and Onembutsu in the World War II American Internment Camps
A story shared by a Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) minister, the late Rev. Giko Abiko, of his life during the internment camps. Insightful ways of how to live in the nembutsu while father land is at war with mother land.
Video presentation in Japanese with English subtitles
Q/A with Rev. Hiroshi Jokai Abiko, BCA Minister Emeritus
in Japanese with English interpretation
● Yours, In Nembutsu – A Card Making Workshop
Quick, easy, delightful! Make and take two hand-crafted cards.
Patti Hisaoka Instructions in English. Everyone can create a card.
● Chocolate Bliss Workshop
Experience the enticing world of chocolate in this interactive workshop. Learn about the various stages of making delicious chocolate. Enjoy some samples and buy some to take home! Chocolate sales will benefit the Convention.
Irene Preston, Laura Santo, Corey Fujioka
Presented in English Everyone can enjoy! Japanese and Portuguese written materials provided
● Qi Gong
Improve your health & reduce stress with gentle healing through Qi Gong exercise, a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Physical activity.
Masanori Naito, Qi Gong Master
Presented in Japanese All can follow
Saturday Afternoon Session A (8/31/19)
Workshops for Session A and B will be preassigned.
Please note your preferences on your registration forms.
● A1: Lady Takeko Kujo: The Secret of her Inner Beauty I (Eng. Session)
We appreciate the secrets of beauty within her poems in “Muyūge – The Leaves of My Heart” and learn the way she lived in the Nembutsu.
Rev. Mutsumi Wondra Orange County Buddhist Church
Presented in English with Portuguese interpretation
● A2: Mindfulness and Shin
As mindfulness and its many benefits have become part of our mainstream culture, how do we approach mindfulness as Shin Buddhists? An introduction to mindfulness and how it can be helpful to us as Shin Buddhists, especially in terms of living the Jodo Shinshu creed. Lecture, Q/A, and mindfulness activities.
Leo Joslin, Minister’s Assistant, Buddhist Church of San Francisco
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● A3: Practicing “No Practice:” The Nembutsu in Our Modern Lives
An interactive workshop of a process of incorporating the Nembutsu into our contemporary, Western lives: from recitation of Namo Amida Butsu to the awakening of a Shinjin experience.
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● A4: Blissfully Ever After – Buddhist Weddings in BCA
Nowadays, each wedding is unique. This presentation shares how traditional Jodo Shinshu wedding rituals have been adapting and evolving in the Buddhist Churches of America. Photos and videos will feature a traditional male/female Buddhist wedding; a same sex wedding; and an interfaith wedding, focusing on the wedding ritual. View and compare these different types of weddings with your own country’s wedding, and gain a new appreciation of the significance of the Jodo Shinshu wedding.
Rimban Katsuya Kusunoki, Seattle Buddhist Temple Betsuin
Presented in Japanese with English and Portuguese interpretation
● A5: Buddhist Psychology & Therapy: Stories of Transformative Dharma
Dr. Carmela Hirano will share a Shin Buddhist model of therapy: how the Four Noble Truths and
Buddhist concepts such as impermanence, non-duality and interdependence can help each of us understand
and deal with our struggles. Rev. Candice Shibata shares her personal story of loss and how the Jodo
Shinshu teachings therapeutically transformed her grief, and ultimately, inspired her to pursue ministry.
Dr. Carmela Hirano, Minister’s Assistant, Salt Lake Buddhist Temple
Rev. Candice Shibata, Buddhist Church of Florin
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● A6: Dharma GlimpsesI- (English session)
This is an open forum and opportunity to share the Dharma through personal experiences.
Speakers to be announced.
Moderated by Rev. Ron Miyamura
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● A7: Nembutsu Challenge: Live in the Moment and Have Fun!
Through various interactive scenarios and games, participants will practice living and thinking in the moment.
Koichi Mizushima, Minister’s Assistant, Buddhist Church of Sacramento
Presented in English
● A8: Line Dancing for Enlightenment! I
Watch the instructor and assistants demonstrate each dance, practice the steps, and experience the joy of line dancing! No experience needed. Come as you are, and jump right in, mistakes are welcome!
Grace Hatano, Minister’s Assistant, Buddhist Church of Sacramento
Presented in English Everyone can follow along!
● A9: Live the Nembutsu Through Music
In-depth learning of true-to-life gathas to sing and play at your temple, services and gatherings. Explore ways and techniques to encourage yourself and others to pen singable gathas. Ukulele players welcome!
B.J. Soriano, Hilo Betsuin, HI
Learn songs in English All can learn the songs
● A10: Connecting to Buddha Through Apps
A Young Adults Workshop:
Learn how to be in touch with Buddhism through your phone! Anywhere you go, there are apps that can
keep you connected.
Coordinated by Rev. Matthew Hamasaki, Buddhist Church of Sacramento
Presented in English, Japanese, Portuguese
Saturday Afternoon Session B (8/31/19)
Workshops for Session A and B will be preassigned. Please note preferences on your registrationform.
● B1: Lady Takeko Kujo: The Secret of her Inner Beauty II (Japanese Session)
We appreciate the secrets of beauty within her poems in “Muyūge – The Leaves of My Heart” and learn the way she lived in the Nembutsu.
Rev. Mutsumi Wondra, Orange County Buddhist Church
Presented in Japanese
● B2: Intersecting Identities: Shin Buddhism and *LGBTQ+
Are Buddhism and LGBTQ identity mutually inclusive? Where does incongruity arise? In our ever-changing culture, how is our Shin Buddhist tradition transforming into communities of inclusivity, support and justice? Drawing on her LGBTQ experience and path to Shin as a backdrop, Ms. Donlin will facilitate a discussion and Q/A with LGBTQ+ panelists.
*LGBTQ+ stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Plus”
Panel Discussion with Q & A facilitated by Elaine Donlin, Minister’s Assistant, BCSF
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● B3: Changing with the Times
How viable are the traditional Japanese American-based BWAs as temples become more diverse? How are local BWA’s building on their Japanese American legacy, or not? How do we embrace new ways and nurture a new BWA generation from more diverse backgrounds? This panel will look at some of the diversity already in motion, as a glimpse into the future.
Moderated by Rev. Ron Miyamura, Midwest Buddhist Temple
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● B4: Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, Mottainai, and EcoSanghas
Workshop participants learn about the congruence between Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and ecological sustainability through a mottainai sensibility. They also explore what their temples might do towards being an EcoSangha.
Joanne Gozawa, Ph.D.
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation
● B5: Line Dancing for Enlightenment! II
Watch the instructor and assistants demonstrate each dance, practice the steps, and experience the fun and joy of line dancing! No experience needed. Come as you are, and jump right in, mistakes are welcome
Grace Hatano, Minister’s Assistant, Buddhist Church of Sacramento
Presented in English Everyone can follow along
● B6: Create A Song!
Participants collaborate to create a song using Buddhist concepts and words matched to popular tunes.
Koichi Mizushima, Minister’s Assistant, Buddhist Church of Sacramento
Presented in English
● B7: Sexuality – Just As We Are
A Young Adults Workshop: How do we understand sexuality through the values of Jodo Shinshu? We will look how all people are accepted equally in the Buddhist teachings and what that means to us.
Coordinated by Rev. Matthew Hamasaki, Buddhist Church of Sacramento
Presented in English, Japanese, Portuguese
● B8: Live the Nembutsu Through Bon Dance
Learn about the unique history of Bon Dancing in America and the legacy of Rev. Yoshio Iwanaga, who brought this tradition to the continental U.S. 88 years ago. Bon dances created in the U.S.will be introduced and taught by Hanayagi Reimichi (Reiko Iwanaga, daughter-in-law of Rev. Iwanaga) and Dr. Wynn Kiyama. Complements the photo exhibit on display: “American Bon Dancing: In Joy & Remembrance.”
Hanayagi Reimichi, Head Obon Dance Choreographer, San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin
Dr. Wynn Kiyama, Executive Director, Portland Taiko
Presented in English with Japanese and Portuguese interpretation. All can enjoy dancing
● B9: Dharma Glimpses II (Japanese session)
This is an open forum and Dharma sharing opportunity. Come and share experiences.
Coordinated by Rev. Ron Miyamura, Midwest Buddhist Temple
Presented in Japanese with English and Portuguese interpretation